By Prayer…

As we are dependent on God to soften hearts to the message of salvation, provide resources, cover us with protection and direct us, we come before him regularly to ask for his favor where SIM workers serve. "By prayer," SIM carries out ministry and life — it is central to all we do. For more on SIM’s prayer see our site.


Serving and Equipping Churches for Mission

  • Pray for our relationships with local Church leaders to remain strong and we can continue encouraging them in their local Churches.

  • For Theological Training by Extension (TEE): Pray that God would change the lives of the facilitators as students as they work through their books and meet each week. May God build His kingdom and build His Church through these men and women.

Leadership & Admin

  • God to provide skilled workers with the right skill set to join the ministry.

  • Prayer for collaboration between the different ministries.

  • Provision of resources.

  • As a ministry, we will function well to care for our team.

  • God’s guidance as we evaluate what we are doing and the areas of improvement.

Other Ways to Connect

Mobilising for Mission

  • For the Lord to continue providing the connections to people who fuel our team’s ministries through prayer, resources, and workers.

  • For more workers to join SIM South Sudan

Outreach, Discipleship
& Church Planting

  • Pray for the unreached people in the Doro Refugee camps that they would hear and receive the Gospel with joyful hearts. Pray that the Lord gives them insight and a willingness to obey what they received from Church growth and evangelism according to Acts 1:3.

  • Pray for guidance on how to continue to reach out to unreached people groups in Upper Nile State.

  • Pray for the South Sudanese women’s bible study in Nairobi. Pray that the women continue to grow in God’s word and in relationship with one another and those they are ministering to in the South Sudanese diaspora.