At Our Core

A Christ-centered Entity is the foundation upon which we pursue sharing God’s good news where He is least known. We are grateful for the gift of prayer, and prayer is foundational to our ministry. 

We utilize the gifts God has given us as a team to build up each other, the church and grow disciples so that we can create a movement of disciple makers. With God’s help we create opportunities for our workers to mature spiritually and grow in their relationship with God. We strive to create an environment where our workers can thrive. 

The Great Commission

"Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age”

— Matthew 28.19-20

By Prayer

SIM’s motto is “by prayer” but we often say it’s not a motto, but a lifestyle. Our ministry, relationship, and roles are covered in precious prayer as we seek to Glorify Jesus in all we do.

We’re not alone.

We are a part of the global missions organization SIM. We are multi-ethnic, multi-skilled teams living out the gospel in heart, word and deed. We are under SIM’s global leadership and adhere to SIM International’s mission, purpose, vision, and statement of faith.

Our team is built on four independent ministries, and everything we do filters through one of those ministries. Our team has a director who reports to a team-elected multicultural board of governors.

Other organisations we work closely alongside: SIM Kenya, Africa Inland Mission (AIM), AIM Air, African Mission Healthcare, Wycliffe., Tumaini Couseling Center and many others. We believe the Body of Christ strengthens one another for His Kingdom.

Our ministry locations.

Since 1937 our team has been reaching unreached people groups in current day Sudan and South Sudan. Today, our team is located in Doro, (Upper Nile State) South Sudan, Northern Uganda, and Nairobi, Kenya. Contact us to see what life and ministry is like in these unique regions.

Our Ministry Focus

  • Serving & Equipping Churches for Mission

    To see Sudanese and South Sudanese churches fulfilling the great commission.

  • Leadership & Administration Services

    To see our team fully equipped to accomplish our vison.

  • Outreach, Discipleship & Church Planting

    To see Jesus proclaimed in communities where he is least known.

  • Mobilising for Mission

    To see the hearts of others engaging in the mission and vision of SIM South Sudan.